October 4 - Teacher's Day
Добавлено: Oct. 21, 2023
Every year in October our country celebrates Teacher's Day. Kyrgyzstan celebrates Teacher's Day on October 5 along with World Teachers' Day established by UNESCO.
And according to tradition, on October 4, 2023, students of the Kyrgyz Institute of Languages and Cultures congratulated the teaching staff on their professional holiday and they prepared a bright concert. The management also presented Certificates of Honor to senior teacher Abduvali Ismailov and manager Aliyeva N.Zh. for conscientious work and for active participation in the education of students.
Teacher's Day is one of the most favorite professional holidays. On this day, teachers accept congratulations from their students, who give them flowers, organize concerts, and draw colorful wall newspapers.
A teacher is not only a person who teaches science, but also a bearer of spirituality and moral principles. Teachers perform a special civic position - educating the younger generation.
Teacher's Day is a truly significant holiday. Teachers give children an invaluable store of knowledge, contribute to the discovery of talents and the harmonious development of the child. Teachers create educated, developed youth who will determine the future of the country.
Teacher's Day is a wonderful occasion to express deep gratitude to our teachers, to remember the first mentors who, through their examples, taught us to be kind, fair and humane.
Happy holiday, dear teachers!