Добавлено: Dec. 12, 2023
On December 12, 2023, teacher of Russian language and literature, Professor Karmyshakova Zyinat Satyndievna, held an open lesson on the topic: “Aitmatov’s Universe”, with 1st year students, gr. LK 1-23 of the Kyrgyz Institute of Languages and Culture. The open lesson was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the great writer Chyngyz Aitmatov.
During the lesson there was a monologue from the work “Mother's Field”, there were quotes from various works of the writer, poems, songs and quizzes.
At the open lesson there were rector Liu Beng Il, adviser to the rector Mun Miran, senior teacher Safina Dina, managers Alieva N.Zh., and Talantbekova B.T.
Rector of KYYAK Liu Beng Il thanked Professor Karmyshakova Z.S. and noted that the open lesson was held at a high professional level, and also thanked the students that they were perfectly able to demonstrate their knowledge, abilities, skills and discipline on the topic of the open lesson “Aitmatov’s Universe”.